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There are three deathtraps in marketing. First, feeble foundations come from little or no strategy. Second, a flat message that fails to be relevant or persuasive. Finally, poor orchestration means that you have not combined the right marketing instruments together that would make your tactical execution flawless.

Marketing Symphony successfully helps companies avoid the three deathtraps in marketing, and develop a firm foundation upon which to move forward with defined, measureable marketing actions.

The following components will lay a firm foundation as you;

  1. Articulate your Business mission, vision, goals, and how they translate into your marketing goals and objectives.
  2. Identify your Target Audience, the types of organizations, and their characteristics. What does a qualified prospect look like within that organization? What are their attributes and decision-making criteria?
  3. Define your Product-Service Offering in terms of its benefits and how that meets the needs of the target market.
  4. Classify your Competition and how they compare or differentiate from you.
  5. Demarcate your Extra-Ordinary Value Proposition; don’t just have an ordinary boring value proposition. Make it extra-ordinary! Your proposition must not only be unique but credible, defendable, and sustainable. By credible, I mean when challenged with the words: “prove it!” you can back up your claims. By defendable, we mean no one else can easily lay claim to your position. And finally, your positioning needs to be sustainable—it needs to work today, next week, and next year.
  6. Characterize your Branding Personality. These are the adjectives that describe you and your business that add personality and character.
  7. List the Appropriate Marketing Ingredients or instruments that you will use to communicate your message, positioning, and brand.
  8. Prioritize your Marketing Instruments or ingredients in the form of a rolling 90-day Marketing Calendar.
  9. Delineate your Marketing Budget. What are you going to invest?
  10. Develop your Messaging and Core Story that can be communicated in 45 minutes, 15 minutes, 5 minutes, or 30 seconds.